3 Good reasons to take a mid-day nap !

A 15-20 minute micro-nap can change your life! If you adopt it regularly, you’ll feel better physically, psychologically and emotionally!

Here’s how to find your ideal nap time:

1. Put yourself in a bubble : Start your nap with a deep exhalation. Then breathe deeply 3 times: once to relax your physical body, once to calm your mind and once to soothe your emotions. Then let your breathing settle naturally.

2. Assess your fatigue : If you’re very tired, opt for a long nap (20 minutes) for complete recovery. If you’re only slightly tired, a short nap (10 minutes) is enough to boost your energy.

3. Pay attention to the time : Avoid napping too long or too late, as this can disrupt your nocturnal sleep. The best time is between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

4. Test and adjust : Try different nap durations and observe what makes you feel best. Adjust according to how you feel to find your ideal duration.

The benefits of Power-Nap :

1. Physical :

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 37%.
  • For athletes, it improves performance: reaction times are shorter and precision is enhanced.
  • Accelerates recovery : The strategic use of naps (before and after training or competition) can naturally stimulate anabolic hormones to improve recovery and facilitate the healing of injuries.

2. Psychological :

  • Reduces stress : Daytime naps interrupt or even reverse the deterioration of visual perception, helping you to cope with information overload.
  • It enriches your learning : even a very short period of sleep is enough to improve memory processing.

3. Emotional domain :

  • It improves your mood : Naps boost your self-confidence in getting things done. You’re more motivated for the tasks ahead.
  • It increases your alertness : A short rest can improve cognitive functioning and alertness, resulting in a 30% reduction in attention lapses compared to the baseline measure.

Conclusion :

Try a micro-nap ! Find the duration that suits you best, then observe the benefits.