The end of the vacations can sometimes make you apprehensive about returning to work. Here are our tips for a smooth transition.

1. Prepare yourself mentally :

Anticipate the return to work by returning from vacation two or three days before your return date. Use these days to get back into your usual rhythm: clean up, organize your living space and finish your laundry. This will help you feel ready and in control of your environment.
Also, use these days to indulge in activities you enjoy and missed during the vacations.

2. Prepare yourself physically :

Adapt your sleep routine by going to bed and getting up at the same times as during the working weeks. This smooth transition will help your body clock readjust, reducing the shock of the first day at work. A good night’s sleep is essential if you are to tackle the start of the new academic year with energy.
Set up (or re-establish) a physical activity routine in the morning or evening: jogging, stretching or fitness … to gently get back into the swing of things.

3. Optimize your workspace :

Organizing our vacations is an essential step, so why not apply the same rigor to our return to work? A clean, tidy workspace is crucial to reducing stress and boosting productivity. Before diving into your tasks, take the time to clean and reorganize your desk.

Make sure all your tools and documents are up to date and easily accessible. Check that your computer and other equipment are in good working order. Having all your tools ready and operational will enable you to start the new school year on the right foot, without wasting time looking for what you need.

4. Incorporate breaks for greater productivity :

It’s a good idea to reorganize your day by incorporating real break times. Give yourself, for example, a fifteen-minute walk around the block or take your lunch break away from your computer screen. Adopt deep-breathing techniques to relax quickly when under stress. Incorporate a Power Nap into your day to boost your well-being. Don’t underestimate the importance of breaks. They allow you to recharge your batteries and stay focused.

5. Introduce yourself to new activities :

Back to school is a time to renew your goals. How about taking advantage of this moment of renewal to get involved in activities that have always attracted you? Have you always dreamed of taking up boxing, mastering a musical instrument or training in a field you’re passionate about? Or perhaps you have an idea for a business project just waiting to be realized? Why not take the first step in September?

Take the time to explore the options available. Look for courses, workshops or programs that will enable you to develop new skills or realize personal projects. It’s the perfect time to turn your dreams into concrete action.

6. Prévoyez un planning plaisir :

Pour éviter un coup de mou après les vacances, il est judicieux de préparer à l’avance des moments de plaisir et de détente. Dès votre retour, prenez le temps de planifier des activités qui égayeront votre quotidien : week-ends en famille ou entre amis, sorties culturelles, visites d’expositions, ou encore des escapades ludiques.

Ces moments ne sont pas seulement des occasions de divertissement, mais aussi des opportunités de renforcer vos liens sociaux et de vous ressourcer. Assurez-vous de les intégrer régulièrement dans votre emploi du temps pour maintenir un équilibre énergisant.

7. Plan your next vacation :

Planning a trip, even a modest one, not only helps you look ahead to the future, but also eases the burden of returning to everyday life.
Whether you’re planning a big trip abroad or a simple weekend with loved ones, preparing for these moments of relaxation can offer valuable respite and a source of motivation. By booking dates, researching destinations, or drawing up an itinerary, you give yourself something exciting to look forward to.

Finally, remember to breathe consciously at all times, at least 3 times a day! Happy recovery to you!