May 2024
Maximize your well-being with our tips for an adapted sports routine
Maximize your well-being with our tips for an adapted sports routine The warmer weather is finally back, bringing with it the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a revitalizing [...]
April 2024
6 tips to prevent eye strain at work
6 tips to prevent eye strain at work Who hasn't experienced tingling eyes, difficulty concentrating or headaches at the end of the day? These symptoms, encountered by most people, [...]
Would you dare to take a nap in the office ?
Would you dare to take a nap in the office ? What would make you decide to take a nap in the office? At some point in your career, [...]
March 2024
Mastering the time change: Our tips for managing this transition with ease
Mastering the time change: Our tips for managing this transition with ease Spring is back! You can feel it: the days are getting longer and the Easter chocolates are [...]
Sleep is an essential need for everyone
Sleep is an essential need for everyone This Friday is Sleep Day. We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of sleep. It's vital to [...]
February 2024
3 types of yoga and their practices : Which yoga to choose
Which yoga to choose : 3 types of yoga and their practices Yoga is becoming an increasingly popular discipline for its many mental and physical health benefits. When you [...]